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Charles Spurgeon prayer
by Janie Buck
Date: 12.24.2010
"Lord, if I have asked for anything that is not according to Your mind, I ask You to disregard it. And if any wish that I have expressed to You - even through it is the desire that burns in my bosom above all other wishes - is a wish that is not right in Your sight, disregard it, my Father. But in Your infinite love and compassion, do something better for Your servant than Your servant knows how to ask."

"This is the assurance we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked Him." - I John 5:14-15
Excerpts from Puritan's Prayers
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.15.2011
"Let God be all in all to me, and joy in the fountain that is always full"

Let those who love Your name be joyful in You (Psalm 5:11 NIV)

"O Lord, keep me ever mindful of my natural state, but let me not forget my heavenly title, or the grace that deals with every sin... Give me a broken heart that yet carries home the water of grace."

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin" (Psalm 51:1-2)

Make me a happy, joyful person. Teach me to laud, adore and magnify Thee with the music of heaven, and make me a perfume of praiseful gratitude to Thee."

"Make me a happy, holy person. Teach me to laud, adore and magnify Thee with the music of heaven, and make me a person of praiseful gratitude to Thee."

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving" (Psalm 69:30)

"Blessed Creator, May I hold life loosely in my hand, knowing that I receive it on condition of its surrender."

"I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God," My times are in your hand. (Psalm 31:14-15)
Puritan's Prayers
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.15.2011
O Holy Spirit, come as power, to expel every rebel lust, to reign supreme and keep me Thine; Come as teacher, leading me into all truth, filling me with all understanding; Come as love, that I may adore the Father, and love Him as my all; Come as joy, to dwell in me, move in me, animate me; Come as light, illuminating the Scripture, molding me in its laws; Come as sanctifier, body, soul and spirit wholly Thine. Come as helper, with strength to keep, directing my every step. Come as beautifier, bringing order out of confusion, loveliness out of chaos. Magnify to me Thy glory by being magnified in me.
I Launch my Boat
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.15.2011
I launch my boat on the unknown waters of this year, with Thee, O Father, as my harbor, Thee, O Son, at my helm, Thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.

Give me Thy grace to sanctify me, Thy comforts to cheer, Thy wisdom to teach, Thy right hand to guide, Thy counsel to instruct, Thy law to judge, Thy presence to stabilize.

May Thy fear be my awe, Thy triumphs my joy.

"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14
More Puritan's Prayers
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.15.2011
Sovereign God, O do thou bring in great numbers to Jesus! Let me see that glorious day, and give me to grasp for multitudes of souls. Let me be willing to die to that end. and while I live let me labor for Thee to the utmost of my strength, spending time profitably in this work, both in health and in weakness. It is thy cause and kingdom I long for, not my own. O, answer thou my request!

"May Your ways be known throughout the earth, Your saving power among people everywhere. May the nations praise You, O God. Yes, may all the nations praise You. (Psalm 67:2-3)

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