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Learn to choose Life
by Janie Buck
Date: 03.15.2007
You are not your own.

“Oh, yeah? Who said so? I am my own boss. No one is going to tell me what to do.” This attitude is basic human nature and the source of “I Did It My Way.”

God created us with the freedom to choose. To their own hurt most people choose their “own way.” If thoughts about the coming judgment enters the mind they are dismissed as so far in the future that they don't affect daily living. Recently two young Beauty Queens found out they couldn't do as they pleased. One lost her crown and the other was given a second chance.

There is no “second chance” when this life is over. God has assigned a place for people who ignore Him. It is not a pleasant place to spend a second, much less eternity. If we ignore the Lord we will “Pay the Piper.”

What would happen if you surrendered your life to God? Before I did it I thought it would be bondage. The amazing truth is that it brought freedom. We are doomed to failure if we depend upon our self to live pleasing to God. All our resolutions are soon forgotten and we live as we always have.

Have you made resolutions to do better and be better? Long before I started writing one of my resolutions was to write my mother a letter every week. She told me later that she and Dad laughed for they knew I wouldn't follow-up on that resolution.

“I urge you, in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1) God does not command us to do this. He asks us. It is only our reasonable act of worship. This resolution has benefits here and now and for eternity!
Love that makes life worth living
by Janie Buck
Date: 03.15.2007
Who made you?

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb” (Psalm 139:13). This was known and written thousands of years ago by King David. Read the whole Psalm and learn how much God Almighty loves you. You will be amazed. People knew this in ancient times. But every generation must learn it if they hope to find meaning and purpose in life.

We didn't “invent” God! He created the universe and even knew you and me before time started. We can with the Psalmist say, “how precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand.”

We can trust someone who loves us enough to die for us.

No one will willingly take our place if we were sentenced to die by a firing squad. But God loved us so much that He allowed His holy, harmless and undefiled Son to take the punishment for our sins and die in our stead. Thank Him often for the gift of eternal life and the forgiveness of your sins. If you are not sure that you have eternal life ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart. He will answer that prayer and you will become a child of God.

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