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Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.23.2010
We are commanded to "Be filled with the Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). And we should because we can not please the Father in our own strength. The Holy Spirit enables us to have true communion with God, guides us into all truth, leads us in the path of righteousness, convicts us of sin and shows us the Savior who cleanses us from all sin.

The Holy Spirit indwells us when we repent of our sins and ask Christ to come into our life. But His work is not completed then because we would flounder trying to "do it myself." After we become a Christian we still need the Spirit to give us power to live life pleasing to our Father.

We can rely upon the Spirit to guide us and convict us of our sin. We need this because we would make excuses for our bad behavior unless He made it clear that we sinned. And He enables us to understand what God is saying to us as we read and study the Bible.

Every Christian is indwelt and baptized with the Holy Spirit at the time of their salvation. Paul is giving the command for believers to live continually under the influence of the Spirit by letting the Word and the Spirit control them.

We must pursue pure lives, confess all known sin, die to self, surrender to God's will, and depend on His power in all things. Being filled with the Spirit is living in the conscious presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, letting His mind, through the Word, dominate everything that we think and do. Being filled with the Spirit is the same as walking in the Spirit. Christ exemplified this way of life (Luke 4:11), and by grace we can be more consistent in our walk with the Lord by ask Father to fill us with the Spirit.
The Joy of Trusting God
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.23.2010
This book is a joy to read because Dr. Bill Bright had a way of making spiritual realities easy to understand. He lists 13 truths that helps us face any situation because of who God is and why we can trust Him.

"Because God is a personal Spirit, you can seek intimate fellowship with Him" is the first reason. Second, is "Because God is all-powerful, He can help you with anything." This is just a taste of the truth he writes.

The chapter titles are: Can We Really Know God?, Knowing God Can Change Your Life, How To Know God, God Is Three Persons In One, Trusting God Completely, God Is All-Powerful, God Is Ever-Present, God Is Sovereign, God Is Holy, God Is Absolute Truth, God Is Righteous, God Is Love And Mercy, God Is Faithful, and Live It!

There is a reader's guide, appendix about "Because God who He is, you can face any situation."

This is a "must read" for anyone who loves the Lord and desires to know Him better.

To order this book, visit, or call 1-800-323-7543

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