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by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 01.07.2009
Lord God our Father, I launch out into the eternal world by prayer and my soul triumphs over all evils on the shores of earth. Time with its demands and disappointments fade when I am linked to you in prayer. I see myself as nothing and find my heart reaching after you. I long to realize your abiding presence. You are with me and will never leave me, but I am tied to what I see and hear and feel and touch. The world is so real and heaven is only seen by faith. Like the apostle request to Jesus, "Increase our faith," I also ask.

Fill me with the Holy Spirit so I will be more aware of the eternal and yet unseen realities. I know this world will one day be destroyed and the new heavens and earth created. Grant that I will cling to you and not what I see, feel and touch.

I know people are more important than things. I pray for those who know Jesus our Savior. Bless and protect them from evil. I pray especially for those in the hard places on earth where most do not know or love Him. Protect the believers from the vicious attacks of Satan through those who worship idols and man-made religions.

I rejoice for the true church, those who are saved by grace through faith in the only Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless all your dear children. (Name family and friends)

I give myself to you afresh. Only with the Holy Spirit's power will I walk worthy of my Lord Jesus who loved me and gave Himself for me. I place my life and all my concerns in your hands. Help me pray about everything and never stop praying. It is my delight to come to you and present myself to you afresh every day.

Verse to Memorize: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (I Thessalonians 5:16,17).

This verse is like peanut butter that holds two slices of bread together. Prayer is "peanut butter" that makes rejoicing and giving thanks possible.
by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 01.08.2009
Father of our Lord Jesus, help me to approach you with reverence and holy boldness. You are my Father through faith in your Son Jesus Christ.

You are beyond my grasp and understanding but not beyond my love. You know that I love you above all other loves. You are adorable, good and perfect. And even more amazing is that you love me.

Keep my heart filled with love for Jesus, my Brother, Bone of my bone, Flesh of my flesh, for He is united to me. He died for me, and arose for me. He is mine and I am His. You gave Him for me and to me. I am never so much my own as when I am His, or so much lost to myself until I am lost in Him; then I find my true humanity.

But my love is often cold. Let Jesus' love warm me and lighten my burdens and be my heaven even while I'm still on earth. Please grant that I will love Him with all my heart. Let the great tide of His everlasting love cover the rocks of my sin and cares. Only then will my spirit float above the things which could wreck my life.

Make me fruitful by living in His love so my character may become like His.

O Lord Jesus, come to me.

O Holy Spirit, fill me.

O Holy Father, look on me in mercy for the sake of the Well-Beloved.

Verse to Memorize: "May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever." Amen. (Hebrews 13:20,21)
Handling Stress
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.13.2009
Everyone seems to have a lot of stress, and no wonder. The world is "going to hell in a hand basket" was an old saying I heard in my youth, and its still true. But Christians can have peace no matter what is happening. Why? Because Jesus Christ lives in their very body if you have asked Him to come into your heart and forgive you sins - "Christ in you the hope of glory."

Do not forget that He will never leave you or forsake you! So, What should you do? Abandon your anxious thoughts. Give them to Him. And remember "one little word will fell him." Fell who? The enemy of our souls! What is the one word? JESUS!

Them quietly pray and praise and thanks to God who lives in you and in heaven for being your King.

Take you sticky hands off the control button of your life and turn it over to the Lord Jesus. He is Lord and He is in control so get out of the driver's seat and allow Him to drive. Although you may not see it now, He is working all things for good.

Read the New Testament for it is the Word of God and is food for your inner being. You will grow strong in faith if you "eat" the right food - the Bible. In all you do at work or play turn your mind to Jesus and talk to Him. That is all prayer is, talking to Jesus. He talks to you from the page up. That is the Bible.
Safely Home
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.16.2009
Safely Home was written by Randy Alcorn. It is fiction but based on facts about life in China under the Communist. It is action packed and one you will not want to put down. It will also move you to pray for the Christians in China. I knew a little about the persecution they are under but this book opened my eyes and heart for them.

Also pray for other countries where Christian are persecuted. In all the Communist countries and those controlled by Muslims, the Christians have to meet secretly and hide their faith.

In spite of the terrible persecution the Lord is faithful to His own. He gives joy in the worst conditions. For the sake of the Body of Christ world wide read this book and be informed on how to pray for them. You will be blessed and be a blessing that you will one day receive. Prayer is the strongest weapon we have. Use it.
Tortured for Christ
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.26.2009
This is an old book but I have just read it and regret that I didn't do so long ago. It is the story of Richard Wurmbrand and what happened to him in Communist Russia.

There is still persecution of believers today in Communist countries. So it is vital that Christians read this book so we will know how to pray for brothers around the world.

"This book was singularly instrumental in awaking the conscience of the free world to the horror experienced by our brothers and sisters behind the Iron Curtain." Charles Colson.

Please read it and pray for Christians in the hard places.
Hear God Speak
by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 01.27.2009
“Why is it so hard to discern God’s will when we are willing to do it and even asking for the knowledge of what He wants us to do?”

Sometimes it takes awhile for us to settle down and be quiet so we can “hear” Him. If we are worried and anxious it is hard to get much out of our Bible reading or prayer. Paul wrote "Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6,7).

We usually don’t hear with our ears when the Lord speaks but sometimes we do. We “hear” in our spirit, the inner part of our mind.

The Lord communicates through the Bible or sometimes with a through that we know is His answer. If our mental attitude is that we are walking in in the Spirit we can move confidently on through our day. And we can rest in the fact that He is guiding our thinking and doing.

I lived for sixteen years before I understood the gospel and received Jesus into my life. Now He and I live together in my body. I am not Him and He is not me. But I am joined “with the Lord (and) one with Him in spirit” (I Cor. 6:17b).
Once An Arafat Man
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.31.2009
This book was given to us by our granddaughter so I had to read it. And I'm glad I did. It is a good story about a young teen who ran away from home to join the PLO. His father called him to say his mother was very sick and he should come home. This saved his life, but he hated not being in the "action" and forced to go back to school. His father had his passport taken so he could not leave home but gave it back so he could go to America to visit a friend. He found a girl to marry so he could get his green card and stay in the USA.

That's enough to tell you, and I hope you will read the book for the Lord "found" and transformed this man's life. What he did after that is amazing and wonderful.

You will see the world of Arafat and the life, struggles and heart of a Palestinian refugee. Best of all a Muslim who converted to Christianity and faced retribution at the hands of his relatives; and the transformation of hatred into love and hope.

The great work for the Lord he is doing now will encourage you to pray.

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