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Hope in hopeless times
by Janie Buck
Topic: Hope
Date: 10.14.2006
      I would have fainted unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. My hope is in Him, and He is an anchor that gives me steadfast hope not only is this life but for life after death. Yes, we live forever. Our body dies but we live on in one of two places - heaven or hell. Both are real places and what we believe determines which one we go to when we die. Everyone who puts their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior will have a sure hope of going to heaven.
     Three things last forever: faith, hope and love. Hope is the "glue" that keeps our faith and love strong. The greatest is love. Hope is like peanut butter that holds two pieces of bread together in a sandwich. Hope is an anchor for our faith and love. 
     Don't allow yourself to give up over troubles, pain or grief. Put your hope in God and He will sustain you.
Sets of Threes in Scripture
by Janie Buck
Topic: Journal
Date: 10.16.2006
I have oberved the many sets of three instructions that are in the Bible. Our Lord is three person yet One, so this is not an accident. Example: Faith, hope and love are three things that last forever as I wrote yesterday. Faith and love spring from hope.
     The Lord tells Jerimiah,"I know the plans I have for you,"  declares the Lord, "plans to (1)prosper you and not (2)harm you, plans  to(3) give you a future and a hope. Then you will (1) come and call upon me and come and (2)pray to me, and (3) I will listen to you. (1) You will seek me and (2) find me when you seek me with all your heart, (3) I will be found by you," declares the Lord.
    Our response to this invitation is to love the Lord with all our heart. He will be the center of our life and give us peace and purpose in this life and heaven in the next. 
by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 10.29.2006


            Oh! Is there was anything that is permanent! Something I can trust that will last forever! Do you ever feel this way? Most people do so don’t worry. Everyone needs a safe place. Home should be that place where one can shut out troubles and rest, but often it is not so. We all get weary tired. Our body requires rest and sleep. Also our soul must find a resting place.

            A song that you may have sung in church describes this place. “My faith has found a resting place, not is device or creed. I trust the ever living One….” That is the answer – trust the Lord. Faith in Him and trust in His care are bedrock to built our life on.

“If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all” (Isa. 7:9). The Lord said this to one of the greatest prophets, and we would do well to take it to heart. No one likes a “wishy washy” person who is blown about with every fad that comes along. Stand firm in faith! Trust the Lord in spite of what is going on in your life. He will see you through all you problems.



by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 10.30.2006
Father, of the Lord Jesus Christ, help me to come to you with deep reverence because you are holy and beyond the grasp of my understanding. But you are not beyond my love and  neither am I beyond your love.
    Thank you for loving me, even me, and delivering me from the penalty and power of my sins through faith in your Son, my Savior.
     Thank  you, Father, that Jesus became a man and lived here on earth and died for me. He knows and understands what its like. Praise and thanks for giving Him to us to atone for our sins so you could accept us and make us clean in your sight.
    I am never so much mine as when I am completly yours, or so much lost to myself until lost in Jesus, ’then I find my true person hood.
    Let Jesus’ love warm my heart so I can love you , Father, as I ought to love. And give grace that I will love the people who are in my life. Cause Christ’s love to fill me so I can love others with unconditional love.
    Please let Jesus’ love lighten my burden and be my heaven, even while still here on earth. May His love be revealed to me. Influence my love to Him so it will be fervent. Let the tide of His everlasting love cover the rocks of my sin and cares so that my spirit will float above these things which could wreck my life.
    Make me fruitful by living in Jesus’ love so my character will reflect Him and the world will see you.
    O Lord Jesus, fill me with Thyself,
    O Holy Spirit, rest upon me.
    O Holy Father, look on me in mercy for the sake of the Well-Beloved.  
The Paths to Worship
by Janie Buck
Topic: Faith
Date: 10.31.2006
The most miserable people on earth are nearsighted about spiritual truth. The old saying that describes their condition is “they can’t see beyond their own nose. “What I want” drives many people to grab and hold in clinched fists their “rights” and possessions. Any real or imagined threat to “mine” may send them into a panic.

Everyone has a touch of this but most people keep it under control. Who will free us from the self-centered life that binds us in “Me and Mine”?
I believe everyone would like to know someone who could free them from the bondage of self-centeredness. It make a person miserable for they have to fight for their “rights.” That is not fun.
    There is only one Person who can delivered us from the self centered life. He is able to take our fist and gently uncurl each finger until we are free. He alone can give security and peace. He tells us, “It’s all right. I’ll take care of you. You  don’t have to fight and cling to your rights and possessions.”
    Who is this person? Jesus Christ. He can set us free. Being a slave to ourselves is the worst bondage imaginable. But bond slaves of our Creator gives us true freedom to be all we were created to be.
    We get in touch with the Lord Jesus through prayer. Ask Him to come into your heart and forgive your sins and free you from me, myself and I. Give Him control of your life. He will bring you peace. And He will give joy that no one can take away from you.

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