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Safely Home
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.16.2009
Safely Home was written by Randy Alcorn. It is fiction but based on facts about life in China under the Communist. It is action packed and one you will not want to put down. It will also move you to pray for the Christians in China. I knew a little about the persecution they are under but this book opened my eyes and heart for them.

Also pray for other countries where Christian are persecuted. In all the Communist countries and those controlled by Muslims, the Christians have to meet secretly and hide their faith.

In spite of the terrible persecution the Lord is faithful to His own. He gives joy in the worst conditions. For the sake of the Body of Christ world wide read this book and be informed on how to pray for them. You will be blessed and be a blessing that you will one day receive. Prayer is the strongest weapon we have. Use it.
Tortured for Christ
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.26.2009
This is an old book but I have just read it and regret that I didn't do so long ago. It is the story of Richard Wurmbrand and what happened to him in Communist Russia.

There is still persecution of believers today in Communist countries. So it is vital that Christians read this book so we will know how to pray for brothers around the world.

"This book was singularly instrumental in awaking the conscience of the free world to the horror experienced by our brothers and sisters behind the Iron Curtain." Charles Colson.

Please read it and pray for Christians in the hard places.
Once An Arafat Man
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.31.2009
This book was given to us by our granddaughter so I had to read it. And I'm glad I did. It is a good story about a young teen who ran away from home to join the PLO. His father called him to say his mother was very sick and he should come home. This saved his life, but he hated not being in the "action" and forced to go back to school. His father had his passport taken so he could not leave home but gave it back so he could go to America to visit a friend. He found a girl to marry so he could get his green card and stay in the USA.

That's enough to tell you, and I hope you will read the book for the Lord "found" and transformed this man's life. What he did after that is amazing and wonderful.

You will see the world of Arafat and the life, struggles and heart of a Palestinian refugee. Best of all a Muslim who converted to Christianity and faced retribution at the hands of his relatives; and the transformation of hatred into love and hope.

The great work for the Lord he is doing now will encourage you to pray.
The Law of Faith by Norman Grubb
by Janie Buck
Date: 03.09.2009
This is an old book published in 1947. If you have ever studies any of the old saints' writings you know they are well worth the effort it takes to read them. I have read this book several times through the years and each time am blessed. I am reading it again and understanding more than ever.

All the attributes of personality and marvelous faculties combine make us an individual person.The thing that matters about human nature is do we walk after the flesh or after the Spirit? Our spirit should control our human nature but more than often we do what we feel like doing and not what we know is right.

Faith is human action, and is God implanted.We use it every day not even realizing that we are acting in faith. For instance, we may eat something out of the refrigerator believing it is still good but it may have been in there to long and make us sick.

Living faith is action weather on a physical or spiritual level. For instance, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved," or believe the food on the table is good for you and eat it. God has come down to meet our faith with His Son, His Word and His Spirit. Our faith can operate in the realm of Heaven as simply and naturally as in the things of earth.

These are a few insights from The Law of Faith. Get the book if you can. But know it is not easy reading but well worth the effort.
If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers
by Janie Buck
Date: 03.09.2009
This is a reprint of an old book published by Discovery House Publishers. It is well worth buying a copy and studying. It is easy reading but the mighty insights require prayer and thoughtful reading. I read it with a pencil to underline and so I wouldn't miss the lessons. For instance: "We ought to give much more time ... brooding on the fundamental truths on which the Spirit of God works the simplicity of our Christian experience. ... redemption and the personal presence of the Holy Spirit. These two areas are focused in one mighty personality, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit makes experiential the redemption of Jesus Christ in individual lives."

Prayer is easy for us because of the agony of our Lord Jesus. A thing is worth what it costs. Prayer is easy for us because what it cost God. He allowed His holy, harmless and undefiled Son to suffer and die so we could come into His presence with our request and petitions.

Shouldn't we all "pray without ceasing?" I pray for all of you who read this, and ask you to pray for me that I will be faithful to obey the command to pray without ceasing.

Remember two keys: the redemption provided by Jesus Christ and the personal presence of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord bless you.
Secret Believers by Brother Andrew
by Janie Buck
Date: 07.11.2009
You may remember Brother Andrew's book God's Smuggler about his work helping Christians in Communist countries? Secret Believers is about Muslims who have become Christians. The story is well told and one all Christians should read so we will pray for our brothers and sisters in countries hostile to Jesus Christ our Savior.

We need to know what is happening in the Middle East. Muslims who become Christians are persecuted and even killed. They need our prayers.

Brother Andrew said, "we can't continue on blithely with life as usual when we learn about a part of the church suffering so severely." I was not aware of what it means for them when Muslims come to Christ.

We need to understand "the challenges to the world wide church that Islam presents." But we should not respond with "fear and retreat." Brother Andrew gives us four challenges: (1) Love all Muslim by giving them the Good News, (2) forgive when we are attacked, (3) live lives totally committed to Jesus Christ, (4) engage in the real war - the spiritual war."

The "real war" is prayer! Will you pray for the Christians in Muslims countries? Will I pray for them? As I write this I commit myself to pray. Read this book and pray too.
Life As A Vapor by John Piper
by Janie Buck
Date: 07.27.2009
This is a must read to gain a right perspective on our "brief" life on earth. If you are going through a hard time you may long for "heaven and home." But take heart of faith! Trust the Lord! Consider the plight of Christians living in the really hard places on earth where the Lord Jesus is not widely known as Savior and Lord.

Our goal while here on earth is to glorify God. Remember that we will enjoy Him forever so put up with aggravating people and circumstances. We can put up with trials and hardships here in light of eternity. Our brief stay on earth is but a "vapor" as we learn from James 4:14, "You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."

I really am on the short end of my life and desire with all my heart to make the most of my time so it will count for eternity. I want to obey Jesus instruction to "let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5:15). It is His glory we desire to magnify not our own puny life.

John Piper's little book will encourage and bless you. And I pray it will also give you courage to "keep on keeping on." Don't waste your sorrows. Rejoice in the Lord. Keep your eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Same Kind Of Different As Me
by Janie Buck
Date: 10.31.2009
This is a true story of two men, one rich and white and the other black and homeless. It is written from both their points of view. At first this was confusing until I realized it was two stories woven together.

The book is inspirational and emotionally gripping story of faith, fortitude and friendship of two very different men. The wife of the rich white man had a heart to help the "down-and-outers." She and her husband started working in a rescue mission. The wife really loved the poor but the husband at first only loved his wife and just went along with her plans to help. But his heart was changed and they both were instrumental in reaching a black man who had a very hard life.

I think you will love this book. One reviewer said it is "the most inspirational and emotionally gripping story of faith, fortitude, and friendship I have ever read." I can say, "Me too."

This is a true story that will encourage you to use the limitless power of the love of God to help others.
Here and Now
by Janie Buck
Date: 11.14.2009
This book, by Henri J. Nouwen, is in his own words "a long examination of conscience, an extended personal statement of faith, and a series of glimpses into the kingdom of God." He found that he was "writing about myself, my friends, and family, and my God, all connected in many intricate ways ... Much has come to my spiritual awareness during the last few years, and much appeared as new and surprising as I wrote these meditations ... I try to say things I had never said before, but things that really matter to me. I hope and pray that you who read these meditations will discover may connections with your own spiritual journey, even when that journey is very different from my own. I trust that these connections will make you aware that we are traveling together toward the Light, always encouraging each other to keep our eyes fixed on the One who is calling us home."

If his purpose catches your heart and you realize we should keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus then it will be worth the time to read this book. It is not the usual kind of book I read but a friend recommended it so I did. And I am glad. But, there are things in the book I do not like or recommend - such as non-Christians he admires and recommends. We must delineate between true Christians and those who even though sincere are sincerely wrong in who and what they worship.
Proof by Bill Bright & Jack Cavanuagh
by Janie Buck
Date: 12.07.2009
A Great Read!

Before he died, Dr. Bill Bright left several stories to be completed. This is the first one. He prayed every day that revival would sweep across our land. "Proof" is the first of a the series. Dr. Bright prayed these books would cause revival to sweep across our nation. May his prayer for revival ignite your heart as you read this book.

The day after Thanksgiving I read all day and enjoyed this book very much. The story is set during the great awakening of 1857-1858 in New York city. The very rich and the very poor are portrayed. The triumph of faith against impossible odds will encourage you to believe the Lord for you personal situation and our Nation.

The publishers have three goals: 1) Increase faith in the hearts of growing Christians. 2) Inspire holiness in the lives of believers. 3) Instill hope in the heart of struggling people everywhere.

The primary reason for the book is HE IS COMING AGAIN!
Letters of a Leatherneck
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.05.2010
This book, first published in 1948, has been been reprinted five times. It is a collections of letters written by a young Marine in WWII and is his story of how the Lord brought deep and abiding peace into the hearts of the fighting men who knew the Lord Jesus Christ.

"And all that the Lord is to His children takes on new meaning to, for who but He will be sufficient to fill one's deepest needs in the days that lie ahead?"

Maybe you are facing very hard times, or even if your life is full of peace and joy, this book will encourage and strengthen your faith.

I enjoyed this book very much and underlined many parts that were especially meaningful in my own walk with the Lord.

You may order it from The Reapers' Fellowship, Box 128, Hiawassee, GA 30546.
The Joy of Trusting God
by Janie Buck
Date: 02.23.2010
This book is a joy to read because Dr. Bill Bright had a way of making spiritual realities easy to understand. He lists 13 truths that helps us face any situation because of who God is and why we can trust Him.

"Because God is a personal Spirit, you can seek intimate fellowship with Him" is the first reason. Second, is "Because God is all-powerful, He can help you with anything." This is just a taste of the truth he writes.

The chapter titles are: Can We Really Know God?, Knowing God Can Change Your Life, How To Know God, God Is Three Persons In One, Trusting God Completely, God Is All-Powerful, God Is Ever-Present, God Is Sovereign, God Is Holy, God Is Absolute Truth, God Is Righteous, God Is Love And Mercy, God Is Faithful, and Live It!

There is a reader's guide, appendix about "Because God who He is, you can face any situation."

This is a "must read" for anyone who loves the Lord and desires to know Him better.

To order this book, visit, or call 1-800-323-7543
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
by Janie Buck
Date: 12.17.2010
This is a little devotional book that blesses me every day I read it. There are very short one page messages for each day of the twelve months of the year. At first I was confused by the way it was written until I realized it was written as if the Lord was speaking. In spite of this it is true to our Father's nature and based on bibical truth. In each short message there are three Bible verses that emphasize the truth and feed the soul. These must be looked up in your Bible.

A friend gave this book to me and I thank the Lord she did. The page on my birthday seemed especially meant for me.

I believe you will be blessed as I am with this little book and will want to give it to your friends too.

The publisher is Thomas Nelson. There is one short page for every day of the year. Be blessed is my prayer for you as you read a page every day and look up the Scripture in your Bible.
The Bible
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.04.2011
"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

If you are not reading and studying the Bible it may be because it exposes areas of your life you don't want God in. You can trust Him for He loves you.

The Word is comforting and nourishing to those who believe, yet it is a tool of judgement and execution for those who have not committed themselves to Jesus Christ.

Some people are just going though the motions of believing in Christ. They may be partly persuaded, but inside they are not committed to Him. We need to give our self a check-up to determine where we are spiritually. Is Christ on the throne of your heart? Have you given all of yourself to Him? We will never know true freedom until we ask Him to be on the throne of our life and allow Him to live His life in us. We do this once and then renew our prayer daily because we forget and live "my way."

The Bible is food for our soul, the inner part of our life. We grow strong in faith when we take time to read and study it. If there is a "hunger" in your life that passions and family and friends can't fill maybe you need to spend time with the Lord in His Word, the Bible. You will not regret it. He speaks to us from the page up, that is the pages of the Bible. Read it and memorize verses.

The Psalmist wrote "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee."
Praying Effectively for the Lost by Lee E. Thomas
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.27.2011
I need to read this small book about once a year. It keeps me focused upon the fact that Jesus said, "You are my witnesses." Life gets so 'daily' that I get bogged down with my own life and family. Hope you all are not like this. So, I re-read this book because it keeps me on track about being what Jesus said of us - "You are my witnesses."

You can order it from Lee E. Thomas, 2314 Foster Ln., Westlake, LA 70669. Or call your order at (337) 433-8677 or (337) 433-2663.

It is a very good help for all of us to keep us on track about sharing Christ with friends, family, neighbors and even strangers.
The Power of Crying Out by Bill Gothard
by Janie Buck
Date: 01.27.2011
This is a small book that "will bless and inspire you with a deeper understanding of God's grace and power. Bill Gothard's book has reawakened in me a strong desire to cry out to my Lord with passion and expectancy," Dr. Gary Smally.

It is also recommended by ten other outstanding Christian leaders.

It is so easy to get bogged down in our family and problems that we forget that Jesus said, "You are my witness."

I hope and pray you can find a copy of this small book that was published in 2002. The ISBN number is 1-590532_037-8

You will be blessed and learn how to pray for family and friends.
Daily Light for Every Day with Anne Graham Lotz
by Janie Buck
Date: 07.13.2011
This is an updated edition of a very old devotional book first published in 1794 in Great Britain using the King James Version of the Bible. It is small in size but big in blessings. Anne's up-dating of this classic is great reading for it puts together Scripture on the same subject. There are two pages per day - one for morning and one for evening. It is all Scripture on the same subject.

There are short one page for morning and one page for evening. I have used it for many years and still am blessed because it is the Bible - God's word to us that feeds our inner person.

We are commanded to be strong in the Lord and this little book is great help in drawing near to our Father in heaven.

I suggest you buy two and give one to a friend, a neighbor or family member.

I pray you will be blessed as you read the Scripture. Remember it is true "soul food."
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
by Janie Buck
Date: 11.01.2011
The subtitle is Enjoying Peace in His Presence

This is a dear little devotional book. It is written in first person, as if Jesus was speaking. When I first started reading it, I was confused, until I realized how she had put together Scripture on the same subject on each short page. There are suggested Bible references to look up too.

I highly recommend this little book. It makes a great gift for Christian friends and for those who haven't yet come to our Savior.

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