Book Reviews
Flight Path: A Biography of Frank Barker, Jr.
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Flight Path: A Biography of Frank Barker, Jr. By Janie Buck and Mary Lou Davis |
This is a biography you should keep and re-read because of the great spiritual lessons you will learn from the Lord's working in Dr. Frank Barker's life. It points to Jesus Christ on every page. You will laugh and cry and rejoice in its honesty and reality but, far more that that, you will see Christ and what He will do through His servants who will do it His way. You will be glad you read and own this book. Book Excerpt (pdf, 261k)
No, More Storms A-Comin' By Wales Goebel with Janie Buck |
A great true story of a boy who grew into a powerful man of God. You will laugh out loud in some chapters and a tear will come to your eyes in others chapters. God's grace and love will touch your heart through the life of this remarkable man. |
Keeping Cool In Life's Fires By Janie Buck |
"This book relates the lives of Biblical women to modern woman with practical insights for application. This book offers examples of lifestyles that women today will find inspirational and refreshing. God has given us ancient examples in the Bible to show us how to cope with, react to, and handle both little and big circumstances in life. The excited Christian is one who is able to take the Word of God and apply it to his daily walk. You will benefit from the insights into Scripture that God has given." -- Vonette Bright Book Excerpt (pdf, 99k)
Elizabeth By Janie Buck |
The story of a remarkable woman who was used by the Lord to change lives first in Alabama and then around the world. "Her life flowed with the joy and radiance of our living Savior," Dr. Bill Bright. "I welcome and commend the book on ELIZABETH. I know it will bless each reader, as it has enriched my own heart and life," -- Dr. Stephen Oldford. Book Excerpt (pdf, 153k)
My Country Roads By Lou Brown and Janie Buck |
Lou Brown’s style has an elfin quality and childlike wonder but is never
childish. Great love burst from each page of these lovely reflections. Her
love of nature, and all things God made is truly inspiring. You cherish this book
and pick it up time and again and share it with loved ones. No gloomy days
can get you down when you read this, for Mis’ Lou relates the glories of God
with all the beauty of a simple walk in the woods, and with the fervor of a climb
to the stars. The striking use of homely observations curve the phrases into
a rainbow, depositing a pot of gold at the end of each brief chapter. You will
“kinda turn around in your own skin for sheer contentment.” Book Excerpt (pdf, 195k)
Papa's Old Trunk By Mary K. Butler |
Growing up during the Depression after her father died led Meg into adventures and solving a mystery. A unique story of a family’s struggles to survive and thrive during hard time. A young teen book. Book Excerpt (pdf, 180k)
Sad Earth, Sweet Heaven: The Diary of Lucy Rebecca Buck During the War Between the States Historically footnoted and edited by Dr. William Pettus Buck |
"Diaries are the "candid cameras" of their day catching and preserving a mien of history that enthralls us most. This Lucy Buck has done with literary skill and rare perception on her daily record of the martial sixties in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia - is military, political and economic aspects as well as the domestic and social." -- Laura Virginia Hale.
A complete index and maps and pictures and a supplement that gives additional information make this a book not only for history buffs but historians as well. Book Excerpt (pdf, 367k)
Dear Irvie, Dear Lucy: Civil War Letters of Capt. Irving A. Buck, General Cleburne's AAG, and Family Compiled and edited by Dr. William Pettus Buck |
This is a companion book to Sad Earth, Sweet Heaven. It contains Capt. Buck’s letters from the battle field to Lucy and the family and their letters to him. Book Excerpt (pdf, 304k)
Taming The Buck By Dr. William Pettus Buck |
The author kept notes during the raising of his teenage son. He gives a short dissertation on what he learned. It is especially helpful for people to busy to read long explanations on how to raise a son (or daughter). Practical ideas that work.
The Buck Family Virginia By Dr. William Pettus Buck |
You will learn about the migration into the Shenandoah Valley and life in
the early years of its settlement. The small book also gives insights into
the French and Indian War, the great awakening in Virginia, the Revolutionary
War, the Civil War, post Civil War Era, and address for charts on the Buck
family. History yes, but interesting information over a long period of time. Book Excerpt (pdf, 44k)
Bullet Proof Faith By Chaplain Jeff Struecker |
Jeff Struecker was a sergeant during the battle in Mogadishu made famous by the book and movie "Black Hawk Down." This is the story of his courage and faith. 100,000 have been published and distributed world wide. Book Excerpt (pdf, 123k)
Field Guide for Spiritual Warfare By Mary Lou Davis and Janie Buck |
This book will help you understand where many problems start and how to
be victorious over our chief enemy. To aid understanding of God’s protection
for Christians we enlisted Capt. Chaplain Jeff Struecker. He gives details of
the military’s protective gear. Man-made armor saves lives of our soldiers.
Understanding what they wear and how it protects helps us know and use God’s
almighty protection. We don’t have to be victims or causalities in the troubles of
life. Our great God has given us armor. Book Excerpt (pdf, 93k)
ASK: The Laws of Prayer By Dr. William Pettus Buck and Janie Buck |
This small book will help you learn to pray. D. L. Moody said that, "If the owner of the Tiffany Jewelry company gave you, as a free gift, the Tiffany diamond, would you hesitate to ask for a piece of brown paper in which to wrap it?" God has given us His Son and Paul wrote that "how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?" Book Excerpt (pdf, 122k)
Practice Management for Dentists and Physicians: A Christian Perspective By Dr. William Pettus Buck |
A 19 page pamphlet on the philosophy of running a Christian office, especially for dentist and physicians. This covers relationship with staff, partners, patients and personal.