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Secret Believers by Brother Andrew
by Janie Buck
Date: 07.11.2009
You may remember Brother Andrew's book God's Smuggler about his work helping Christians in Communist countries? Secret Believers is about Muslims who have become Christians. The story is well told and one all Christians should read so we will pray for our brothers and sisters in countries hostile to Jesus Christ our Savior.

We need to know what is happening in the Middle East. Muslims who become Christians are persecuted and even killed. They need our prayers.

Brother Andrew said, "we can't continue on blithely with life as usual when we learn about a part of the church suffering so severely." I was not aware of what it means for them when Muslims come to Christ.

We need to understand "the challenges to the world wide church that Islam presents." But we should not respond with "fear and retreat." Brother Andrew gives us four challenges: (1) Love all Muslim by giving them the Good News, (2) forgive when we are attacked, (3) live lives totally committed to Jesus Christ, (4) engage in the real war - the spiritual war."

The "real war" is prayer! Will you pray for the Christians in Muslims countries? Will I pray for them? As I write this I commit myself to pray. Read this book and pray too.
God answers prayer
by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 07.23.2009
The Lord said, "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." (Jeremiah 33:3)

So, when you don't know what to do ask Him and He will gladly tell you. He doesn't speak to us from the burning bush like He did to Moses. He speaks to us from the page up - that is the Bible.

It is amazing that when we read the Bible words, commands, and knowledge is given us on what we are praying for. And we learn how to live pleasing to the Lord.

So, "Praying always in the Spirit." Seeking the Lord's council and grace and submitting our self to His leading, learned through the Word, the Bible.

How often do we pray? "Pray without ceasing" is the command. So any time you are not concentrating on a task, turn you thoughts into prayers. Even when you are concentrating put up a "flash" prayer for guidance. It is amazing how the Lord will direct us when we ask His help.

Remember God answers prayer. One great Christian I read about prayed for seven of his friends to become Christians. All but two were saved during his life time and one at his funeral. The last one also came to the Lord years after his death. SO, don't give up praying your friends and family.
Praying Paul's prayer
by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 07.23.2009
Father, according to your riches in glory grant me strength with the power of the Holy Spirit in my inner being so that Christ may dwell in my heart through faith. Grant that I will be rooted and grounded in love and have strength to comprehend with all Christians what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Your love, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. And grant that I may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now, dear Father, you are able to do this and far more abundantly than all I ask or even think. And Your power is at work within me to fulfill this request I humble make in Jesus name.

You living in me is the glory You give to all true believers who are part of the church that is the body of Christ. This is true today and every day we live on earth. And it has been true through all generations and will be true forever and ever. (Ephesians 3:14-21)
Strength for the Day
by Janie Buck
Topic: Prayers
Date: 07.23.2009
Father, I ask that I will be as strong in my public life as I am in my personal worship of You and the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Please don't let me forget as I go through busy days that demand my full attention. Guide me so I will know what to do.

Before the crucifixion, Jesus told the disciples He was going away but not to worry or be sad because He would send the Holy Spirit to help them. In fact He called the Spirit the Helper. Also He said, "I will not leave you as orphans. I will come back to you".

When we open our heart and invite Jesus to come in and forgive our sins He does. And the Holy Spirit also comes into our very being. "They who are joined to the Lord are one spirit with Him."

When we sin He does not leave us. We may "feel" deserted and not know His presence until we confess our sins and turn back to the Lord, receive His pardon by faith and ask Him to again fill us with the Spirit.

We are as related to Jesus as a branch on a vine, or as a limb on a tree (to put it in terms I'm more familiar with).

Jesus is living His life over in me and all true believers. This was amazing when I first heard it taught. I asked, "Do you really mean Jesus lives in me?" The preacher I was talking to said, "Yes, and He lives in all who have believed who He is and what He did for us."

We are commanded to "Walk in the Spirit." That is live life in the fact that God come into our body to help us be the person we can only wish we were. Our part is to depend upon His indwelling Presence. He will never leave you or forsake you.
Life As A Vapor by John Piper
by Janie Buck
Date: 07.27.2009
This is a must read to gain a right perspective on our "brief" life on earth. If you are going through a hard time you may long for "heaven and home." But take heart of faith! Trust the Lord! Consider the plight of Christians living in the really hard places on earth where the Lord Jesus is not widely known as Savior and Lord.

Our goal while here on earth is to glorify God. Remember that we will enjoy Him forever so put up with aggravating people and circumstances. We can put up with trials and hardships here in light of eternity. Our brief stay on earth is but a "vapor" as we learn from James 4:14, "You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."

I really am on the short end of my life and desire with all my heart to make the most of my time so it will count for eternity. I want to obey Jesus instruction to "let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5:15). It is His glory we desire to magnify not our own puny life.

John Piper's little book will encourage and bless you. And I pray it will also give you courage to "keep on keeping on." Don't waste your sorrows. Rejoice in the Lord. Keep your eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.

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