Book Reviews
Flight Path: A Biography of Frank Barker, Jr.
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Flight Path: A Biography of Frank Barker, Jr.
By Janie Buck and Mary Lou Davis
This is a biography you should keep and re-read because of the great spiritual lessons you will learn from the Lord's working in Dr. Frank Barker's life. It points to Jesus Christ on every page. You will laugh and cry and rejoice in its honesty and reality but, far more that that, you will see Christ and what He will do through His servants who will do it His way. You will be glad you read and own this book.

Book Excerpt (pdf, 261k)

Format: paperback

No, More Storms A-Comin'
By Wales Goebel with Janie Buck
A great true story of a boy who grew into a powerful man of God. You will laugh out loud in some chapters and a tear will come to your eyes in others chapters. God's grace and love will touch your heart through the life of this remarkable man.
Format: paperback

Keeping Cool In Life's Fires
By Janie Buck
"This book relates the lives of Biblical women to modern woman with practical insights for application. This book offers examples of lifestyles that women today will find inspirational and refreshing. God has given us ancient examples in the Bible to show us how to cope with, react to, and handle both little and big circumstances in life. The excited Christian is one who is able to take the Word of God and apply it to his daily walk. You will benefit from the insights into Scripture that God has given." -- Vonette Bright

Book Excerpt (pdf, 99k)

Format: paperback

By Janie Buck
The story of a remarkable woman who was used by the Lord to change lives first in Alabama and then around the world. "Her life flowed with the joy and radiance of our living Savior," Dr. Bill Bright. "I welcome and commend the book on ELIZABETH. I know it will bless each reader, as it has enriched my own heart and life," -- Dr. Stephen Oldford.

Book Excerpt (pdf, 153k)

Format: paperback

My Country Roads
By Lou Brown and Janie Buck
Lou Brown’s style has an elfin quality and childlike wonder but is never childish. Great love burst from each page of these lovely reflections. Her love of nature, and all things God made is truly inspiring. You cherish this book and pick it up time and again and share it with loved ones. No gloomy days can get you down when you read this, for Mis’ Lou relates the glories of God with all the beauty of a simple walk in the woods, and with the fervor of a climb to the stars. The striking use of homely observations curve the phrases into a rainbow, depositing a pot of gold at the end of each brief chapter. You will “kinda turn around in your own skin for sheer contentment.”

Book Excerpt (pdf, 195k)

Format: hardback

Papa's Old Trunk
By Mary K. Butler
Growing up during the Depression after her father died led Meg into adventures and solving a mystery. A unique story of a family’s struggles to survive and thrive during hard time. A young teen book.

Book Excerpt (pdf, 180k)

Format: hardback

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