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Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Old Testament
New Testament
A Friend Who Never Fails
by Janie Buck
Date: 11.13.2004

Do you have a friend who is "wishy washy"? One day they are your best friend and the next they are as cool as a stranger. They may promised you one thing and do the opposite. You believe they will do what they promise but learn the hard way that they are not dependable.

There is Someone who is always faithful to help you in hard situations and be your friend through thick or thin. His name is Jesus. You can trust your very life to Him. He will take care of you here on earth and take you to His home when your body dies.

Jesus is the kind of person we all wish we were and want for our best friend. Our great need is getting to know Him. Thank God we can know Him because of the Bible.

Knowledge of the Word of God leads to intelligent faith and definite assurance of our purpose in life. God's eternal facts and realities don't have to be guessed at. Knowing Him and His will comes through study of the Bible. Then we will be firm, steadfast, unmoveable, and positive in what we believe.

Christ teaches us to put off our old evil nature -- the old you that lied or lusted, coveted or cursed. Now your attitudes and thoughts should be constantly changing for the better. Yes, grow up as a new and different person, holy and good. We cannot do this on our own. We must clothe yourself with this new nature. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

Read chapter 4 of Ephesians. It instructs in how to live your Christian life. Ask the Lord for grace to use the Word as the guide for your daily life. Then you will glorify Jesus in the way you live.

Memory Verse: "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God" (Matthew 22:29)

Prayer: Father, I don't want Jesus to have to say this verse about me. Help me learn the Scripture and know your power to do what pleases you.

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